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Can you request custom models?

We currently do not accept and create custom car sets as of now. However, we always value input from our community so please feel free to reach out and give us ideas for future car sets and we'll add it to our list!

There are missing / defective pieces in my set, what can i do?

We sincerely apologize if you've encountered any issues with our sets, while it's very uncommon we strive on providing the best experience with our business and want to ensure you have an enjoyable building experience, if you have have any missing pieces or you've identified any defective parts please follow these steps:

1. Double-Check your entire set

2. If you are certain that pieces are missing or defective, please take a photo of your unfinished car and take screenshots of the pieces you are missing, note down your order number

3. Send an email to our support team which can be done on our contact page with all of the above and they will expedite the replacement processRest assured we'll investigate the matter promptly and provide you with the missing/defective pieces to ensure you can complete our sets!

How do I receive the instructions?

If you don't receive the instructions by manual or QR code which can be scanned to access them digitally, send us an email with your order number and a photo of what you received. Our team will then provide you the instructions digitally!

My tracking number is not working/updating, what can I do?

Please note if your tracking number isn't working our system may take a few days to update, in some cases it may not update until the barcode is scanned by your local linehaul office! We reccomend waiting a few days and checking back later for your updated tracking details.

Can I change my shipping info?

Within the first 24 hours of ordering you will be able to change your shipping info but it cannot be changed to a different country, if our systems fraud detection picks your order as a potential threat then we cannot change the address!